
The government has reconstructed more than 7,000 community schools that were damaged by the earthquake. The government has completed the construction of 7,272 schools out of the schools that were […]

Government Reconstructed 7,272 Community Schools

𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐳𑑄𑐧𑐟 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑐹𑐡𑑃 𑐳𑐩𑐵𑐬𑑀𑐴 𑐳𑐩𑐶𑐟𑐶 𑑑𑑑𑑔𑑒 𑐥𑐵𑐏𑐾𑑄 𑐥𑐶𑐡𑑃𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐳𑑄𑐰𑐟𑐫𑐵 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐰𑐡𑑂𑐢𑐎 𑐮𑐶𑐳𑐾𑑄 𑐬𑐵𑐚𑑂𑐬𑐶𑐫 𑐰𑐶𑐨𑐸𑐟𑐶 𑐱𑑄𑐏𑐢𑐬 𑐱𑐵𑐏𑑂𑐰𑐫𑐵 𑐎𑐶𑐥𑐵𑑅 𑐡𑐸𑐐𑐸 𑐎𑐵𑐥𑐷 𑐐𑐿𑐬 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐧𑑂𑐰𑐩𑐶𑐥𑐶𑐣𑑂𑐟 𑐠𑑂𑐫𑐎𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐶𑐟𑐶𑑄 𑐟𑑂𑐫𑑁𑐜 𑐩𑐵𑐢𑑂𑐫𑐩𑐶𑐎 𑐧𑐶𑐡𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐮𑐫𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐮𑑅𑐮𑑂𑐴𑐵𑐐𑐸 𑐡𑐸 𑑋 […]

𑐐𑐿𑐬 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐧𑑂𑐰𑐩𑐶𑐥𑐶𑐣𑑂𑐟 𑐱𑐏𑐢𑐬𑐫𑐵 𑐎𑐶𑐥𑐵𑑅 ...

NEST  was founded by Purna Kumar Shrestha in 2000 which aims to bring a sustainable improvement in the quality of life of disadvantaged communities in Nepal primarily through creating education […]

NEST-Nepal Education Support Trust

Nepal Earthquake 2015 Fundraiser Nepal has been seriously devastated by the recent earthquake. Over 8,000 people have died (with death toll rising), thousands more are injured, and countless more have […]

HeNN Nepal Fundraiser