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In-School training for twenty Primary School at Bajhang   OLE Nepal recently conducted in-school training for 20 primary school teachers in Bajhang from phase III. In school training was the second part of the three- stage training program designed to …

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Toppers in India !!!!

Vaishali girl Ruby Ray bested 5.10 lakh students scoring 88.8% in intermediate arts (IA) examination of Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). Bihar’s Intermediate topper Ruby Rai said that Political Science is about food making.    

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Children of Nepal

Children of Nepal was established in 1996 in association with The Rudolf Steiner Foundation, now known as RSF Social Finance. Its first project was to create a kindergarten in a children’s home in Kathmandu. For three years, CON trained the …

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NEPAL BASE – vacancy – OJT

कर्मचारी आवश्कता सम्बन्धि सुचना प्रकाशन गर्ने मिति २०७२ जेठ २४ गते ब्याकवार्ड सोसाइटी एजुकेशन (बेस) आम सदस्यतामा आधारित एउटा गैर सरकारी संस्था हो । हाल बेसले मध्य तथा सुदुर पश्चिमाञ्चल बिकास क्षेत्रका १७ जिल्लामा कार्यक्रमहरु गर्दै आइरहेको छ । यस …

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Vacancy – US Embassy

Vacancy notice:  The American Embassy in Kathmandu is seeking an individual for the position of Security Investigator. Job Position: Security Investigator BASIC FUNCTION OF THE POSITION The incumbent performs a full range of personal background security investigations to determine the …

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Teachers Application Queue

Teachers are mostly admired as liberal-minded people of the society, and they deserve to be, because through their contribution our society shape the canvas of its future. Changes are often but how we emerge within ourselves, and they are the …

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40000+apply for 611posts

Teachers Service Commission today said a total of 40,157 applicants have applied for 611 permanent positions that have been vacant since April 24, 2006, of secondary level teachers in 14 subjects, 65 times more than the available vacancies. TSC spokesperson …

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Nepal Schools Aid

Nepal Schools Aid is a registered UK Charity (1119023) who have worked to support the development of quality education in Nepal’s primary schools since 2007 and up to 2016. In that time we developed the quality of education in 200 …

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