Nepal School Rebuild

Donation goes directly to local communities

For $20, you can help to provide daily meals to one student in post-earthquake Nepal for a month.

The April 25th, 2015 earthquake destroyed many buildings within the communities that we serve. Many families are homeless now. The school buildings that NEIO built are structurally sound enough to serve as central hubs to the communities in this time of emergency.
Nepal - Epicentre of the Earthquake, 25 APril 2015
Although, we are not a disaster relief agency, we are immediately helping in the following ways:

    • We have provided emergency funding to purchase and transport food to a village near Mt. Everest that reached out to us due to food shortages.
    • We have provided supply food to students at Nurbuling school.
    • We have provided emergency funding to purchase and transport food to Panchakanya VDC, Nuwakot.
    • We will provide temporary shelter and classrooms for students at Nurbuling school, as currently there is not enough safe space.
    • Where possible, we will provide emergency funding for food, water and shelter to schools or communities requiring such help.

Our long term goals are:

  • To repair damaged building if possible, and to reconstruct collapsed structures within Nurbuling School area.
  • To construct additional 6 classrooms in Nurbuling School according to safe building standards.
